Wednesday, December 2, 2009


(Note to all other Readers Who Will Post: I hope it's fine I'm doing a bit of a welcome post)

Welcome to Books to the Ceiling! This is a blog where we shall post our thoughts on War and Peace as we progress through it this December and beyond. But hopefully not too beyond. We first concoted the idea to read through War and Peace together sometime this past summer. Kelsey had wanted to read it, and when I bought the book we decided to have a go at it. Valia showed an interest as well and now so far it's us three reading it. It's hard to believe December is here, when we first decided upon this month as our reading date I remember thinking how far away it was! Anyways. Enough of that.

Firstly, a little introduction on my part. I'm ForeverFan (or Fanny, as my dear friends have named me. Think Fanny Price or Fanny Dorrit) on NarniaWeb, where the three of us (Kelsey, Valia & I) are members. I personally enjoy reading and collecting books, Narnia and NarniaWeb, and blogging. I am a Born Again Follower of Jesus. :) I suppose that pretty much sums it up!

Thanks to Kelsey for setting up this blog, and thanks to herself and Valia for wanting to spend time reading War and Peace this December! :)


  1. Hello everyone! (Even though everyone = one person, at the moment. How sad)

    I'm Kelsey. As you see. and I have nothing interesting to say about myself, so let us move on...

    I'm looking forward to getting this thing started!

  2. And I suppose I should say that, yes, I am Valia.

    I have very little to say other than that I am part of the reason why we're only reading it now in December. *looks embarrassed* I, em, will not be starting until the 10th or so as I will only be done with Final Exams then.

    And I am looking forward to getting this thing started, too!

  3. I know practically nothing about War and Peace, only that it's gigantic and a character in Sky High was named Warren Peace. ;)

    But I wish you all the best of luck and I hope you reach the goal. =D

    Further up and Further in!

  4. Aw, don't be embarrassed Valia! :) It's actually no problem at all to be reading in it December, it gave us something to look forward to and count down the days too. :)

    Ryan: Thank you! :) Warren Peace...creative name indeed. ;)

  5. Hehe, Ryan...I know just a tiny bit more than you do about this book (Hint: It's Russian and big. ;-)). And Warren Peace was cool, so... ;-)

    And I shall endeavour to do my best to read a lot in the long weekend before intersession starts. :-P
